Picture this for this is perfect. A hot shower. A foot massage with fragrant lavender foot cream. Starwberry body butter. A wonderful night's sleep, peaceful and dreamless (now that's a rarity!). A warm moist kiss on the forehead and a soft whisper, so soft it feels like the flutter of an angel's wings, and then a delicate hug that wakes me up ever so gently at the break of dawn. Yes, that's how my daughter wakes me up in the morning. What could be more beautiful? What could be more perfect than to see a beautiful angel face with big beautiful eyes staring back at you when you wake up? I feel like I am in heaven...
But... There's always that 'but', isn't there? Ready to pop up at every turn in the road. At the drop of a hat. Now, that little guy can't let things be and leave us alone can he? (sigh!) Anyway, now that Mr. But has decided to show his face, let's not ignore him. Let's start off where we left off...But...I am in for a big surprise! Heaven huh?!? Sure!! Sure as hell!! I have been making a note of this and am now pretty sure that the transformation happens the very second I think 'heaven'. I can almost hear the war cry in sync with the voice in my head saying the word 'heaven'. And from that point on we are at war. There's a war about eating candy and brushing teeth and drinking milk and eating and bathing and getting dressed and packing lunch and wearing socks and wearing shoes and getting to the car and being first in everything we do and so on...
Call me crazy but come to think of it, I would fight the battle a million times because it always always ends in a goodnight kiss and a visit from the angel at the break of dawn :)
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